
Who do you know who embodies A Beautiful Way To Live?

This award is designed to recognize one Consultant who emulates Linda and Brian’s work ethic, honesty, perseverance, and commitment to excellence. Based on nominations, we will present our A Beautiful Way to Live Award at  National Convention.

This prestigious annual award honors deserving individuals who exemplify the attributes and approach to life consistent with the company’s values and mission. They place the needs of others first, encourage everyone they meet to  dream big, and approach each day with gratitude and integrity. What Linda and Brian started, now lives on in the hearts and businesses of so many L’BRI Consultants. If you have met a L’BRI Consultant who demonstrates A Beautiful Way to Live in everything they do, consider writing a nomination for them.

The qualities that we are looking for include:
• Commitment to all aspects of growing their business including sales, sponsoring and helping others.
• Dedication and determination; willing to work hard in pursuit of their goals.
• The belief that L’BRI products and opportunity have the ability to change lives for the better.
• A genuine desire to make a positive impact in people, families, and their community.
• Strength in leadership, specifically helping others achieve their potential.
• Embracing a lifestyle that supports health and wellness.

Nominations are accepted for The Beautiful Way to Live Award at any time, but must be submitted no later than June 30, 2019 to be considered for Convention recognition.