New Managers
Naomi Krzyzanowski
Gina O’Sullivan
Cindy Rohde
Susan Windsor
New Supervisors
Tara Bruckner
Jeanette Dassow
Laura Hoban – double promoted!
Nan Sowieja
New Senior Consultants
Terri (Sassy) Buman
Barb Dillon
Mishal Long
Ashton Polley
I am so excited that I have reached this goal with the amazing people on my team. I am so blessed to have met so many driven women. I started this journey for the love of these products and some extra spending money but have gained so much more! I am so excited to continue this journey with these amazing women and I just hope they can gain as much as I have with L’BRI.
Congratulations Naomi!
Words can not describe how excited I am to achieve the goal as Manager! When I attend Leadership back in January I wrote down on my dream board “Manager in Maui”. I came home from that trip with a new burning desire to share L’BRI with everyone. I’m so thankful for my beautiful team and their dedication to making L’BRI a household name. Never stop dreaming!
Congratulations Gina!
Congratulations Cindy!
I’m am so thankful for this L’BRI opportunity.
I originally began this journey when I moved to Northern Minnesota, where there were no L’BRI consultants to do my parties. I decided I would become a Consultant, and share these amazing aloe-based products with the people in this area. I had no idea where this journey was going to take me. I have been slowly growing a team and my confidence.
Thank you, Linda and Brian, for this amazing company and opportunity that has all the training we need to become a success. Thank you Gina LaGalbo for believing in me, and teaching me how to DREAM BIG!!
Congratulations Susan!
Like many people, I started my L’BRI journey in search of deeply discounted products, but I have come away with so much more. I am a wife, a mother of two young children, a school counselor, and enjoy a number of other hobbies including running, reading, and volunteering at our church. Direct selling was never even an option in my busy life. Boy, did this change!
Shortly after having my second child I signed on to something that changed my life. L’BRI has given me more than just extra cash but a chance to belong to a community of women who support and care about building relationships and changing lives. My mentor Amanda Ziegel believed in me and that was all I needed to launch this exciting and rewarding journey. Not only has she given me excellent coaching to further my business goals but she checks in with me on a personal note to be a listening ear during good times and challenging times.
The year I joined L’BRI was probably the hardest year of my life both professionally and personally and L’BRI helped me overcome those challenges in very gentle and loving ways. It reignited the confidence and support I needed to preserve. I am forever thankful to have joined this community of strong women (and men) to not only provide the best skin care but also to build positive supportive relationships that also change lives. Thank you!
Congratulations Tara!
Congratulations Jeanette!
My L’BRI journey has been an exciting whirlwind of new experiences, new friends, and growth. I feel fulfilled in a whole new way as I help others fall in love with their skin. I am constantly being surprised and amazed at the support and rewards L’BRI gives their Consultants!
Thank you to my sponsor, Char Grover, for being my biggest cheerleader on my L’BRI journey. She is patient, kind, caring, and so helpful. Everyone in my tribe has been very welcoming, encouraging, and positive. Thank you to my husband for his support, and to my three young daughters for their excitement. Thank you to Linda and Brian for following their dreams and giving life to my dreams. I am now dreaming bigger than I ever have before! I am so grateful for the L’BRI Opportunity and so excited to be on this amazing journey! I feel very blessed and honored to be a part of the L’BRI family. To my team…dream it, do it!
Congratulations Laura!
My journey with L’BRI has been blessed beyond words! I have been sick for over 15 years, finding out I had 7 chemicals high in my blood – due in part to the products I was using! My husband too! God’s perfect timing: Our beautiful bonus daughter Sophie Simms introduced me to L’BRI in December 2017.
Never in my wildest dreams did I expect my life and myself to be transformed so incredibly much! My personal growth is beyond measure. I am so proud of myself for really stepping out of my comfort zone! My income from L’BRI has helped us with past medical bills and ongoing! I did not even mention how much it has changed my chemical-damaged skin.
Now I am on a mission to educate against chemicals in products. I don’t want others to suffer being sick like I had – and still am. L’BRI truly is a beautiful way to live. Thank you, Linda and Brian, for following your dreams, so I — and so many others — can follow ours too!
Congratulations Nan!
Terri (Sassy) Buman
Barb Dillon
Mishal Long
Ashton Polly