
Congratulations to our most recent Gold Pin Earners!

Share a round of applause for Consultants who complete the steps for a successful start to their L’BRI Journey. They have earned a gold aloe pin as a symbol of their commitment to their business and their dreams.

Mary Ellen Anzaldi
Cheryle Askew
Dollie Barnes
Edith  Betancourt
Jeanette Buckles
Iris  Cordero
Brenda  Davis
Angela Dickson
Shona Durocher-Patel
Angela  Erickson
Kassandra Florentine
Cynthia Gluckstein
Jacqueline Guadalupe
Rhonda Hamell
Tracy Hansen
Kaylyn Headlee
Joy Holder
Sandra Huyvaert
Alicia  Janusz
Shelby  Kenison
Brandy Kohut
Victoria  Kollaja
Amy  Lee
Roberta LeMieur
Theresa  Lent
Maria  Lozada
Stacey Miller
Priscilla Peterson
Sherry  Pozel
Diana Redding
Susan  Richter
Lori Rick
Christine  Rizer
Tammy  Roehl
Kathy  Sheff
Melody Vrolijk
Amy  Weaver
Layna Weber
JoAnn  Witchard

When you complete the steps in the guide that arrived in your Starter Kit, you can earn a gold aloe pin that you can wear proudly.

New Consultants are encouraged to complete these steps in order to get the best start in their new business. You can check out the online version in the Learning Center when you click on New Consultants Start Here.