
Congratulations to our most recent L’BRI Gold Pin Earners!

A round of applause for these Consultants who are off to a Successful Start and have completed the steps in the Successful Start Guide. They have earned a gold aloe pin as a symbol of their commitment to their business and their dreams.

Alyssa Arndt

Nicole Braatz
Susan Carter
Sarah Downs
Amy Hobert

Kristina Holibaugh

Jamie Kelly
Jackie Langlois
Pamela Leonard
Dottie Minnick

Amber Perry

Patty Provenzano
Angela Reeves
Karen South
Deborah Sztukowski
Katie Warpinski

When you complete the steps in the Successful Start Guide that arrived in your Starter Kit, you can earn a gold aloe pin that you can wear proudly.

New Consultants are encouraged to complete these steps in order to get the best start in their new business. You can check out the online version in the Learning Center when you click on New Consultants Start Here.