Congratulations to our top achievers!
Who took top honors?
Please give a round of applause to Elite Executive Manager Antoinette Fraeyman who has earned the first-place honor of the “Spirit of L’BRI.”
We would also like to congratulate those whose performance placed them in the top 10 overall for the company.
These Consultants consistently performed in sales, sponsoring and Shows. They are amazing examples of leaders who are passionate about helping others with their skin and realizing their dreams.
Second place: Janet Smith

Third place: Sarah Alvarez

Fourth place: Amber Blair

Fifth place: Kelli Nash

Sixth place: Cindy Trent

Seventh place: Tori Bishop

Eighth place: Amber Juslen

Ninth place: Amber Duncan

Tenth place: Kristy Lauzon

You can view the names of all of this year’s achievers in our special online Recognition Program.