
Learn more about updates and enhancements to some of the reports available to you through your Business Center. 

Historical Overview Report

The Historical Overview Report provides a history of key data for your L’BRI business dating back to January 2015. It is found in the Business Center under the Business tab. The report updates at the same time the Team Management report updates.

Improved mobile view

The Historical Overview Report now has an improved mobile experience allowing you to view the report vertically and then expand each month to see all the information on the screen.

New and reorganized categories

Beginning July 13, five NEW categories have been added to this report. The order of the categories has also been adjusted so categories can be viewed in similar groups.

The categories found in the Historical Overview Report now contain the following:

TWC = Total Weekly Commission NEW (Adds each week’s commission to the total)

MB = Monthly Bonus NEW

TME = Total Monthly Earnings NEW (Total Weekly Commission (TWC) and Monthly Bonus (MB) = your TME)

PV = Personal Volume from personal sales

PS = Personally Sponsored

PCS = Personal Closed Shows

QL = Qualified Lines NEW

GV = Group Volume (includes personal sales volume)

GS = Group Sponsored

GCS = Group Closed Shows

C/LB = Car/Lifestyle Bonus NEW

EDV = Entire Downline Volume (Includes the volume of spun off Executives)

TGS = Total Group Size (Does not include spun off Executives)

Simplified Commission Statement  

To make this statement easier to read and display more relevant information, the following changes have been made beginning July 13.

All Consultants will be able to see the following commission categories. If one or more of these categories do not apply for the bonus period, the value will display as $0.00.

  • Retailing Bonus
  • Sponsoring Bonus
  • Group Override
  • Show Me the Money
  • Car/Lifestyle Bonus

These additional categories will only display if that category applies during the bonus period:

  • Fast Start Sponsoring Cash Bonus
  • Expense Allowance
  • Clawback (Amount deducted following returns)
  • SUP Level 2 Bonus
  • Generation Override
  • SC Promotion Bonus
  • SUP Promotion Bonus
  • MGR Promotion Bonus
  • EM Promotion Bonus
  • SEM Promotion Bonus
  • EEM Promotion Bonus
  • DEM Promotion Bonus
  • DDEM Promotion Bonus

Knowing the differences between Team Management Report and Volumes Report

The data that is available to you comes from different sources. In some cases, the information is pulled immediately, and in others, it’s based on scheduled updates to the data. When reviewing your group volume there is an important difference between these reports.

Team Management Report (recommended)

The volume displayed in the Team Management Report reflects the volume from all orders and the amount that is deducted based on the volume of returned items. This data is updated several times a day and is the most accurate summary. We use this data for determining recognition eligibility.

Volumes Total Report (not recommended)

The volume displayed in the Volumes Total Report reflects the volume from all orders but does not reflect the amount deducted following a return. If you use this report, it should only be regarded as a reference point with the understanding that the report does not show the complete data for a consultant’s total volume.

Because of those differences we recommend using the Team Management report for accurate information about team volume. To help increase its timeliness, we have worked with our software vendor to provide more frequent updates to this data. Its long-term accuracy is far better than what is available through the Volumes Total Report.

If you have any questions about the updates to the Historical Overview Report or Commission Statement, please contact