
Convention Payment Plan

Convention registration is OPEN. Our early birds will enjoy plenty of early bird perks when you get your registration and payment completed early! You can also choose to use the payment plan so you can spread out your registration fee over four months. Please note – the payment plan option is only available through March 31.

If you would like to use the payment plan, you need to complete TWO steps:

#1 Use the Convention registration and complete your registration. Choose “Early Bird Payment Plan” for your payment method.

#2 Go to your Consultant shopping cart and purchase item# CONV19.

Any Consultants who register (step 1) but don’t purchase the payment plan (step 2) by or before March 31 will be contacted to pay the $199 early bird fee in full.

If anybody has questions about their registration or setting up the payment plan, they can always contact us at for answers.