
Congratulations to all the Consultants who got excited to see more beautiful faces loving L’BRI in 2022! Please give a round of applause to these January sponsors whose new Consultants submitted $500 in PV in their first 50 days. They have earned an exclusive Beautiful You in 2022 Journal & Pen set! The following leaders have earned this incentive through March 14, 2022:

 Jessi Aberle  Crystal Johannsen
 Jess Anderson  Julie Kasbeer
 Laura Andrews  Whitney Kees
 Joann Berres  Kathryn Kidd
 Cayla Biel  Dilles Kuehl
 Michelle Bogdonas  Liz Kultgen
 Patricia Bolduc  Kathryn Lee
 Dianne Borgard  Pamela Lovesee
 Jackie Brandt  Laura Lueck
 Kristan Bryant  Terri Machalk
 Jennifer Budde  Nicole Metko
 Peggy Cannon  Kendra Muth
 Angela Cawley  Carrie Myers
 Amber Columbus  Gina Pille
 Candice Cook  Samantha Reynolds
 Judi Daggett  Kristin Rogers
 Emily Dussel  Molly Sankey
 Roseann Fasi  Sophie Simms
 Amy Gagne  Trish Sparks
 Gwyn Gallentine  Melissa Swenson
 Crystal Gonzales-Miller  Jamie Taylor
 Peggy Sue Hammen-Schuller  Beth Thierfelder
 Cindy Herbert  Susie Williams
 Ingrid Hinkler  Amanda Ziegel
 Laura Hoban  Mandie Zopp