
Reminder: $15 product credit offer for new customers!
Beginning May 1, new customers who are placing their first order with L’BRI will find a wonderful surprise enclosed with their orders!

This brand-new postcard will provide them with details on how they can redeem a $15 product credit with the next order they place within 90 days. It’s a beautiful way to encourage customers to reorder or try something new!

Read the FAQs

Using the credit report to view unused credit
To view customers who have unused credit, go to your Business Center | Business tab | L’BRI Credits. From here you can click on “My Customers L’BRI Credits” to view your customers with L’BRI credits.

Click on the “Balance” header in this report to sort by the dollar amount of credit your customers have. This is an easy way to view new customers who have a $15 credit.

From here you can click “New” for your customer in the “New Order” column and you will be able to place an order for them from their shopping cart.