
If you plan to promote to Senior Consultant or have already joined the ranks of L’BRI Leadership, we want to see you for Leadership Insight! We are getting excited to share the latest training, information and insights with this year’s group.

It’s a fun chance to spend some time focusing on YOU and building your L’BRI business so you can help more people and see your dreams materialize. So many of our top leaders have been inspired by their time at Leadership Insight. We invite you to join us and prepare to dream big and get IGNITED for 2020!

Don’t forget to register soon!  If you’ve already registered, Congratulations! Think about the people you know who might benefit from this weekend and find out if they would like to join you. The registration button is located on the front page of your Business Center.

Please note: If you plan to promote by or before January 1, please use your current title to register. We will update your registration following your promotion. You must reach Senior Consultant or higher to attend Leadership Insight. Consultants who have not promoted by Jan. 1 will receive a refund of their registration fee.

Register now!