
Reminder: Old site redirects end June 19

Website redirect ending – June 19   Bookmarks older than one year will no longer redirect to current site Beginning in June, Consultant websites will no longer redirect from the...

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Mary Saunders’ Car Celebration

Congratulations to Executive Manager Mary Saunders! She is going places in her brand-new Nissan Rogue!  “I chose the Nissan Rogue for its sporty, sleek style, and for its ability to...

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Social Media Etiquette

With social media playing such a big role in today’s marketing efforts, it’s important to make sure that what you’re doing on social is acceptable. When it comes to etiquette,...

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Destination: National Convention

If you’re on your way to Convention, you’ll want to let people know! Your customers will want to hear about the product announcements and team members who can’t make it...

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Using personal customer accounts with Shows

The best way to build a L’BRI business that will thrive is to hold Shows so you can introduce L’BRI to more and more people. You can meet new customers,...

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