Sharing the L'BRI opportunity is the chance to change someone's life in a BIG way! We want to recognize those life-changing moments with fun rewards for you! Get your new Consultants off to a success...
It’s our anniversary month and we’re celebrating 21! Your hostesses will want to celebrate too when they find out that when they host a qualified Show, they can earn our...
If you haven't registered for Convention 2019 - IGNITE! yet, take a few minutes and do it! There are LOTS of early bird perks - and the earlier you register, the most chances you have. If you choose ...
Are you curious about the color difference between our discontinued foundations and our fabulous new Flawless Finish Foundations? Check out the Liquid/Cream Col...
Congratulations to Executive Manager Sandra Galaszewski who has the drive to succeed! She celebrated with her team last month and is loving her new brand-new Nissan paid for by L'BRI! She said she ch...