
Show numbers visible for bookings

Keeping track of the Show numbers for booked Shows just got easier! A recent system update now displays the Show number for each booked Show associated with the original Show....

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New look for Commission report

The next time you view your Commission report, you’ll notice a few improvements that were added beginning September 7. This report is now mobile friendly and behaves in a similar...

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Six Smart Group Strategies for Virtual Parties

Six Smart Group Strategies for Virtual Parties Check out this two-part training where you’ll learn 6 smart Facebook Group strategies for virtual parties, including how-tos and post examples. These tips will...

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September 2021 host bonus

Let your hosts indulge in this fabulous host bonus when they host a qualified September party! They’ll receive our Soothing Bath Soak and an 8 ounce Hand & Body Lotion...

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