
Business Center resources menu update

We have updated our Business Center Resource section to enhance the desktop and mobile experience. When you go to Resources you will find the categories are now collapsed, with the...

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New or updated resources for Fall 2021

Here’s a brief list of resources that have been added or updated following Convention and the release of new or updated products. For more information about the products and other...

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Home office closed September 6

The home office will be closed on Monday, September 6 in observation of the Labor Day holiday. We hope you have a safe and enjoyable holiday!

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Fall reveal kit available through 8-31

There are only two weeks left to order your Fall Reveal Kit. Now through August 31, you can get your very own collection of the newest products to be included...

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Unstoppable t-shirt earners

Congratulations to these consultants who are showing the world that they are Unstoppable! They introduced our featured skin care products in July to 10 (or more!) NEW customers between July...

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